Priestess Ngozi –
Energy Healer, Intuitive Guide, and Women's Ceremonialist
Hey Love!
I am Priestess Ngozi. I am a professional certified energy healer who facilitates sacred and yummy experiences that support the self-care practices of creators and wholistic health professionals. My mission is to help you achieve a state of balance, harmony, and wellbeing by tapping into the healing power of your own energy fields.
I also am a certified wholistic health coach, practical priestess, sound healer, and womb keeper. I facilitate different energy healing modalities such as angelic healing, chakra balancing, crystal healing, 13th Octave LaHoChi and Holy Fire Reiki. I hold sacred ceremonies and circles for women. I offer divination services as well. As an intuitive guide I use my intuition to offer guidance to all my clients, encouraging them to take action in a positive direction and honor their spiritual self-care needs.
A Little Bit About My Journey
I have spent years learning and integrating these modalities and practices into my own journey. I have experienced some significant challenges that required me to go deep with my self-care practices. These modalities have supported me in my healing journey with major improvements to my emotional, physical and spiritual wellbeing. I include my energy healing in my self-care practices regularly.
After saying yes to my calling and integrating my own spiritual practice, I can act as your guide into whatever journey the Universe has planned for you. Intuitive, nurturing and deeply compassionate, I help usher women into experiencing more sacred and yummy experiences in their life.
During my many years as a wholistic health coach and spiritual guide, I have witnessed countless women transform themselves. They came to me seeking guidance in a safe container for support in their self-care practices and spiritual journey. They learned to use specific tools that resulted in them feeling clear, light-hearted, at peace, and... not alone.
I have learned practical applications for all of these techniques that can help you throughout your daily life. From simple breathing techniques to healing sessions, I can help you relinquish and surrender that thick, rusty armor that hides your radiance and true self.
A Transformation Story
My client, Xiomara who had been unintentionally neglecting her self-care and was experiencing low energy. Despite trying different self-care practices, nothing seemed to stick and she felt it becoming another task on her endless to-do list. She felt overwhelmed with another thing to do. She was frustrated by a lack of encouragement, consistency and support in regards to her self-care.
Xiomara found herself exhausted with having low energy and needing some assistance with her self-care practices. Xiomara decided to try a distant Reiki healing session with me. During the session, I guided Xiomara in breathwork and meditation while sending the healing energy to her body to amplify her energy fields and clear any blockages.
As the session progressed, Xiomara began to feel a deep sense of relaxation and a warm sensation in her body. She felt as if a weight had been lifted off her shoulders. She expressed her mind feeling clearer and being more focused. She began to notice an increase in her energy levels. After the session, Xiomara felt renewed and refreshed.
Xiomara continues to receive energy healing sessions on a regular basis. Over time, she has experienced a significant increase in her energy and mood. She feels more connected to her body and more at peace with herself. She has also discovered her self-care is not just another item on the to-do list. It is important to her and necessary for her vibrancy. She appreciates Priestess Ngozi’s services and insights as a support to her self-care practices. She has developed a self-care toolbox for herself with my assistance.
Through energy healing, Xiomara has undergone a transformation that has helped her to reclaim her emotional, physical and spiritual wellbeing and maintain it. She discovered she was able to implement a supportive routine for her self-care practices that has benefited her in every area of her life.
Self Inquiry
Can you gaze into the mirror at yourself, looking deeply into your own eyes and say, “I love you. I really do love you! I am a priority! I am whole! I am radiant!” If you’re not able to do that, or you feel tears well up inside of you... I can assist you. Through your sacred yumminess experiences, you’ll learn how to honor and nourish yourself through your self-care practices. That is the first step in your process... but it is often the most difficult to overcome. Treasures such as acceptance, discernment, humility, wisdom, even abundance are difficult to receive until you learn to honor and nourish yourself. I find that energy healing is a powerful practice to “boost” yourself out of stagnation. Using ancient wisdom, sound and healing energy, you'll increase your energetic frequency in just one session.
Imagine waking up in the morning with great clarity. You feel a rush of love and gratitude wash over you daily. You feel at peace with your life. Your doubts and obstacles fall away easily. Your friends and family are drawn to you. And yet, they are curious about what changed inside of you. You find fulfillment in the simplest of activities... from washing the dishes to walking the dog. You show up with radiance. You rest deeply and wake up refreshed. This doesn’t have to be a dream.
Benefits of My Energy Healing, Women’s Circles and Divination Services
Feeling grounded and rested.
Knowing how relaxation feels and that peace is a place.
You can affirm and know you are whole.
Experiencing being heard, held, seen and supported with your self-care practices and life.
You can experience growth and radiance.
Are you ready to make yourself a priority? Do you desire to feel nourished and rejuvenated? Do you desire to become radiant? You are a powerful being---full of light. I can support you in unveiling your true self and enriching your self-care practices. Do you desire to experience the sacred and yummy by having your spirit and soul nourished by the Divine as you continue connecting, growing and seeking on your journey? Are you ready to experience an oasis of healing energy and learn how these modalities support your self care needs? Are you looking for a safe and supportive community of like minded women to engage with?
C'mon caterpillar! Let's turn you into a beautiful butterfly.
I look forward to journeying with you!
Sending you healing vibes, light and love,
Priestess Ngozi
Services Offered:

Women's Sacred Circles
Energy Healing: LaHoChi and Reiki

Women's Sacred Ceremonies
Intuitive Readings and Spiritual Coaching